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分别为:急诊科、重症医学科、感染性疾病科、肾病一科、肾病二科、血液净化科、心病科、脑病科、肝胆病科、肿瘤科、风湿病科(挂痛风科牌子)、脾胃病科、肺病科、内分泌病科、外一科(普外科)、外二科(神经外科)、骨伤一科、骨伤二科、肛肠科、男性病科、麻醉科、疼痛科、妇科、产科、儿科、眼科、耳鼻喉科、口腔科、皮肤科、神志病科、针灸一科、针灸二科、推拿科、理疗科、检验科、病理科、输血科、放射科、CT科、超声科、电生理科、营养科、药剂科、制剂科、查体科、老年病科、康复科、热敏灸科、核磁共振科、治未病科、内镜科、针灸五科、泌尿外科、临床药学科 、病案科、住院医师培训管理科。



Weihai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine introduction

Weihai hospital of traditional chinese medicine opened at the end of 1990, is the first grade iii-a hospital, the region set medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, prevention, health care, rehabilitation, health preservation and first aid in one.It is the shandong university of Chinese medicine, shanxi university of traditional Chinese medicine, binzhou medical school affiliated hospital, shandong college of traditional Chinese medicine teaching hospital, Beijing university of Chinese medicine hospitals and above in shandong province east hospital, hospital cooperation in shandong province hospital, jiangxi thermal moxibustion hospital, anorectal disease hospitals in shandong province weihai branch, couplet of Beijing rehabilitation hospital affiliated to the capital university of medical sciences, the medical unit, the second affiliated hospital of shandong university of TCM weihai rehabilitation hospital, prevention of traditional Chinese medicine health care service center in shandong province,and the national resident standardization and general practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine standardization, "medicine of traditional Chinese medicine" training base of shandong province,weihai TCM medical group led by unit, weihai institute of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine of weihai, weihai tumor prevention and rehabilitation association linked units.Won the "health and family planning system in shandong province advanced collectives", "quality service top hospitals in shandong province", "provincial civilized unit" and other honorary titles.

The hospital has a complete set of specialized departments, forming a good situation of outstanding characteristics of  traditional Chinese medicine, equal emphasis on traditional Chinese and western medicine, and common development.Kidney disease was identified as one of the two countries focus on clinical kidney disease specialist in shandong province, the national center for clinical diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease (CKD) training, organ transplant drug use in the city management unit, ophthalmology, disease department of otolaryngology, consciousness is identified as the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine "five-year" key specialty construction unit, liver disease, cardiovascular division is determined at the provincial level key specialty of traditional Chinese medicine, encephalopathy, oncology, acupuncture is determined at the provincial level key specialty construction unit of traditional Chinese medicine, oncology, acupuncture, spleen and stomach, anorectal, rehabilitation, pediatrics, dermatology, gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine double gland surgery, urology identified the municipal key specialty of traditional Chinese medicine.

At present, 600 beds have been prepared, and 655 beds have been actually opened.Strong technical force, with all kinds of professional and technical personnel 740, more than 327 people, senior experts of the State Council special allowance 1 expert, national famous old Chinese medicine expert academic experience inheritance teaching teacher 2 people, the national excellent clinical personnel 3 people, the clinical characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine technology transfer 1 talent, inheriting the national characteristics of Chinese traditional medicine technology talent training program to develop a target 2 people, 1 name old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in shandong province, shandong province, Chinese medicine experts 6 people, the five traditional Chinese medicine in shandong province shicheng education project guidance teacher, seven people, experts, medical and health chief expert with outstanding contribution, young core talented person, the name of outstanding talents of traditional Chinese medicine clinical experts, and traditional Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine expert academic experience of inheritance inheritance teachers, intangible cultural heritage projects, inheritance and other kinds of municipal personnel 62 people.Hospital courtyard, science and technology has obtained 107 scientific research achievements, the municipal science and technology progress prize 56 items, more than 40 national patents. 

Gate Peking union medical college hospital, Beijing hospital, Beijing xiyuan hospital, Beijing china-japan friendship hospital, Beijing university people's hospital, Shanghai ruijin hospital, Shanghai changhai hospital, shandong provincial hospital, shandong traditional Chinese domestic first-class hospital and formed a collaboration in our hospital, such as on a regular basis to send domestic first-class rheumatism, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, anorectal disease, skin disease, surgical and other professional experts and professors to hospital operation, visit and lecture.Technical collaboration not only improve the level of diagnosis and treatment, also makes the city the patient never leave weihai, in traditional Chinese can enjoy a high level of domestic first-class experts, including Beijing and Shanghai health care services.

Hospital with advanced medical equipment, have large equipment of the German Simon zi chan 1.5 T superconducting mri machine, 64 row helical CT, the Dilon Dilon6800 produced by our company is the special equipment to check the thyroid, breast, American beckman automatic biochemical analyzer, German eagle excimer laser, Toshiba, Siemens, philips, GE and other brands of color ultrasound diagnostic instrument, Japan Olympus 290 type electronic stomach, Germany roche PCR instrument, digital X-ray machine from shimadzu, central monitoring system, ultrasonic emulsification instrument, corneal type figure, German orthopedic C arm X-ray machine and a full set of beautiful body beauty equipment, etc.

Weihai hospital of traditional chinese medicine in south campus opened in December 2018, after the completion of the hospital, planning a total construction area of more than 7000 square meters, set up ward 130 copies.The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine health group has grown to 72 members of the unit.

The hospital has always been guided by the needs of patients and formed the operation and service philosophy of "patient-centered and quality-centered". It has given full play to the comprehensive advantages of integrated Traditional Chinese and Western medicine, actively explored the reform and development path of traditional Chinese medicine hospital under the new situation, and couraged forward to the goal of building a first-class comprehensive modern traditional Chinese medicine hospital in the province.

위 해 시  중  의  원   소 개

  1990년 년말에 설립된 위해시(威海)중의원은 의료、교육、연구、예방、보건,、재활,、양생,、응급치료가 구비된 지역 최초의 3급 갑등급(甲) 병원입니다。산동성 중의약대학 、섬서성 중의약대학 、빈저우 의대의 부속병원;산동 중의약고등 전문학교 교학병원;베이징 중의약대학 동방병원 、산둥성 천불산병원、산동성 중의원 협력병원;강서열민구병원,、산둥성 항장병병원의 분원입니다。수도의과대학 부설 베이징 재활병원과는 자매결연체이며 산동성 중의약대학제2부속병원 위해힐링병원입니다。또한 산동성보건센터 예방서비스중심입니다。국내에서는 한의사 레지던트 규범화、한의가정의학과  규범화,、산동(山東)성의 '양의사가 한의약을  배우는 기지입니다。

  위해시  중의의료그룹을 이끄는 부문으로서 위해시 중의전문병연구소、위해시 중의약학회、위해시 종양방지와 재활협회 등이 연결되어 있습니다。아울러 산둥성의 위생과 산아제한시스템 선진집단/산동성의 양질의 서비스 백가 병원/성급문명단위' 등의 칭호를 수여받았습니다。

  병원은 전문 과실이 완비되어 있으며 한의약 특색이 돌출할뿐만아니라 양의학과 한의약을  모두 중시하여 함께 발전하는 좋은 국면을 형성하였습니다。

  신장병과는 산동성의 두 국가 임상 중점 신장병 전문대학 중 하나인 국가임상 신장병 진료훈련센터;전 시 장기이식 약물사용 관리단위;안과、이비인후과,、신내병과는 국가 의약관리국 '十二五' 중점전문분야 건설단위;간장질환과,、심혈관과는 성급 중점중의분야;뇌병과, 종양과, 침구과는 중점건설분야로 확정되었습니다。

  현재 병상은 600병상을 편성해 655병상을 실제 개방하고 있습니다。기술력이 우수하며 각종 전문 인재 740명、중고급 전문인재 327여명,국무원 특수수당 전문가 1인、전국 유명한 노중의 전문가 학술경험 계승 선도교사 2인,、전국 우수 중의 임상 인재 3인,、전국 임상특화 기술전승자 1인,、전국 한약 특성화 기술전달 인재육성 대상자 2인、 산동성 노중의사 1인, 산동성 명의 의약전문가 6인,위해시 돌출공헌전무가 등등 인재가 62명이나 있습니다。또한 산동성  과학연구 성과 107건,、시 과학기술 진보상 56건, 국가특허 40여건을 각각 받았습니다。

  베이징협화병원, 베이징광안먼병원, 베이징시위안병원, 베이징중일우호병원, 베이징대 인민병원, 상하이루이진병원, 상하이창하이병원, 산동성립병원, 산동성중의원 등 국내 일류병원은 우리병원과 협력병원을 맺었으며  정기적으로 국내 일류 류머티스, 심혈관병, 종양, 당뇨병, 항장병, 피부병, 외과 등 방면의 교수를 파견하고 있습니다.。기술협력은 진료수준을 승적시킴과 더불어 위해시 환자들이 위해(威海)를 벗어나지 않고서도 중의원에서 베이징,상하이 등 국내 일류 전문가의 수준 높은 의료보건 서비스를 받을수 있게 되였습니다。

  병원은 선진적인 의료설비를 갖추고 있습니다。그중엔 선진형 설비로 독일 지멘스사 1.5T MRI、64줄 나선 CT、미국Dilon사의 Dilon6800갑상선、유선 전문검사장비、미국베이커만  전자동 생화학 분석기、독일 버크만사 분자레이저기、일본산·도시바、지멘스、필립스、GE 등 브랜드의 컬러 초음파 진단기;전자 올림푸스 일본 290,、독일산 위장촬영기,、일본 시마즈기 PCR 디지털 X 선,、중앙기 시스템,、감호, 초음파 유화기기,、각막 지형도다.팔을 X 선 C 독일 정형 외과 및 미용 장비 등등이 있습니다。        

  2018년 12월에 개원한 위해(威海)시중의원 남원(南院)구는 연건평 7000여㎡에 130여병상을 설치/계획진행중입니다.。한방의료그룹 회원사는 72곳으로 늘어났습니다。

  병원은 시종 환자들의 수요를 발전의 방향으로 삼아  “환자 중심, 품질 핵심”이라는 경영 서비스 이념을 형성하였습니다。또한 중서의를 결부시켜 종합적우세를 충분히 발휘하여 새로운 형세하에서 중의원 개혁 발전의 길을 적극적으로 모색하면서, 전 성(省) 일류 종합적인 현대화 중의원 건설목표를 향해 열심히 매진하고 있습니다。


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